For a long time I have wanted to create a space to put up poems that are significant to me, many of which have been written by unknown writers or which lie outside the canonized bodies of work of more famous writers. Many of the poems I am drawn to are wildly discursive, and that usually means long, but I have also been meaning to prod myself to develop a larger mental data base of poems, and shorter poems seem more ammenable to memorization by heart.

So this will be a sort of mish-mash: memory poems, forgotten poems, never even remembered poems, unanthologized poems

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Explanation for extreme lapse: I had to kill off my feeble attempt at blogging, or not-blogging, because I was already spending so much time at the computer that spending additional time there, or here, simply became excruciating to my legs and back. Plus my tendency is to acquire enthusiasms, and drop them, I know.

The modern preference is for the improvised product over the polished one. Hence: reality TV, blogs. Such a distillation is flawed of course because then how come people aren't rushing out to buy jazz CDs?

In my writing I've perhaps gone overboard on the polish and hope to learn to improvise, to allow for more raggedness. But no one needs to read my ragged maunderings, and there are already so many poetry sites.

Now I've gotten a service dog (no dropping that enthusiasm for a decade: this seems longer than my lifespan but it seems important to simply forge on. Otherwise the wheels lose their ability to gain any traction at all.)
